When you run your own business, you wear many hats on the day to day. Remaining well informed about your cash flow and operating expenses will help you make decisions on how to better run your business.
By obtaining our monthly write-up service, you can expect to have that data at your fingertips on a constant basis. This will allow you to quickly access important financial numbers when you’re trying to deal with potential lenders to increase business capital.
Our firm offers the following services:
Bank Reconciliation
We take your unorganized financial data and create well defined monthly statements. We’ll utilize up to date technology to download your transactions into QuickBooks and organize that for you. This will allow us to help you manage your cash flow, spot any errors, and ensure accurate records.
Income Statement Presentation
An income statement is momentous to analyzing the financial health of your business. We’ll summarize your businesses revenue and operating expenses over a specific period to help you better understand the financial security of the business.
Balance Sheet Presentation
A balance sheet provides users with the up to date information on what the business is valued at. At a specific moment in time it represents the financial condition of your business.
Cash Flow Statement
The statement of cash flows is exactly that. It provides the end user with a picture of where the cash is being spent for a period of time. This can be helpful in understanding how much money is being spent on materials, labor and other areas that affect your business capital.